Design and Consulting for Your Ecological Home

As well as providing home plans, we offer a wide range of design services described here:


Before beginning any construction project, you should determine its legal, financial, and architectural feasibility. If you are planning to build a sustainable home or to remodel, our general knowledge of design and construction, combined with our specialized knowledge of sustainable design principles and practices, can help you get your project going on the right foot. In the course of a two- to three-hour consultation, we can help you determine whether your ideas are practical and suggest alternatives you may not have thought of.

We offer both on-site and remote consultations. Because we live in Bellingham, Washington, on-site consultations are only available along the Seattle-to-Vancouver, B.C. corridor.

Remote consultations are done by email or phone using exchanged documents. If you can send us a plot plan of your property, floor plan of your house, and some photos, we can evaluate your site's sustainability potential and provide you with design ideas and other relevant information. Just providing us with the needed documentation will help you clarify your thinking about what you want to build and how to go about your project.


If your project has good feasibility, we can help you with every step in the design process from setting up your "program," or list of the project's goals, to completing the construction documents you need to apply for a permit. Depending on your location and budget, it may wise to have us produce your general design and long-range program, then use a local engineer, drafter, or contractor to help you complete your project.

We could, for example, assess your property and help you create your sustainable design program. We could then provide scaled drawings for improvements to be built in one or more phases. Those drawings could be then be turned over to the appropriate construction specialist who would add the details needed to satisfy your local codes. 

If you would like to learn more about our design and consultation services, please contact us here.

If you would like to learn more about us and what we can do for you, visit our About Us page.